Little Things

My family gathered yesterday for gift giving and dinner to celebrate Christmas. With all the large gifts under that tree, it amazed me that the smallest (and usually cheapest!) gifts were the ones that brought the most joy and excitement.

That’s a reminder to me that it’s really not the cost that counts as much as the thought that’s put into each gift. My four year old grandson was literally shaking with happiness when he opened a little truck from Dollar Tree! A tiny horse earned me a huge hug from my 7 year old granddaughter. Silly gifts to my son-in-laws earned lots of laughs throughout the day and board games provided many hours of fun and joy. That’s just a few examples of the little things that made yesterday so special. No one was adding up what was spent on each person or upset if one got one more present than another.

So my challenge today is to take that reminder with me through the year. To remember to be grateful and bring the excitement of children into everything I do. That innocent, childhood joy is a gift that can be passed on. Your joy, your responses to adversity and troubles can be an inspiration to others and they can learn from you as I have from my family. I choose happiness no matter my circumstances. I don’t need money to be happy. I don’t need health to be happy. All I need is life itself to be happy.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. I wish you all joy and happiness today and everyday.

Published by

Sandra Davenport Collins

Mother of three girls, two son-in-laws. Grandma to two boys and two girls along with four dogs and four cats. Living life fully with Chronic Pancreatitis and Fibromyalgia.

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